You are a true success when you help others succeed.

Montico Kompetensutveckling AB - Credential

The quality authorization is controlled and issued by Utbildningsföretagen. The authorization is valid until further notice and is revised regularly. The date on the certificate indicates when the last audit was approved.

For each of the included quality criteria, the member company must be able to describe in detail how they work and attach documents and routines on which the descriptions are based. The documents must be signed and a date for when the routine/description applies from must be stated.

The documentation is assessed by Utbildningsföretagen's Authorization Board, which then gives a recommendation to the Utbildningsföretagen's board, which decides whether authorization should be granted. The Authorization Board is also responsible for follow-up audits, supervision and reviews of the members' compliance with the authorization requirements.

This certificate was generated using TRUE software, and is protected by blockchain.

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